Wednesday, October 22, 2008

IVA vs Bankruptcy

Iva is Individual Voluntary Agreement which means and agreement between the debtor and creditors in order to save debtors form creditors bankruptcy. Debtors can pay the amount whatever he affords after signing the iva in front of other creditors with easy monthly installment for fixed time period and low interest rates since this agreement is powered by the government the creditors does not have the power to cause any kind of tension to the debtors. After completing the fixed period of iva the remaining money is not to be paid according to the agreement. On the other hand bankruptcy does not provide this kind of facilities to the debtors so i think IVA Advice is the best solution if one want to survive from this painful debt. All this arrangement is done by the debt management service providers who are responsible of all the debt that creditors demands so go to some of the best non profit debt relief providers and have all your tension solved in a few days.